How to use your Breath, your Body and Yoga for an Easy 5 hour First Time Labour

Just wanted to let you know my little rainbow baby arrived Saturday morning 1.30 am weighing 6 pounds 10 at Samuel Johnson  – a little boy.
From very first contraction to birth was only 5.5 hours. Couple of paracetamol and attempted gas and air but didn’t like the noise it made. Found it much easier to use TENS machine and straw breath. I got in the pool for about an hour but got too relaxed so had to get out for the last hour of pushing. Thank you so much for everything that you taught us in class – I used so much of that information without even realising I’d been taking it in.
At one point when I was in the pool the midwife said “he’s just a bit stuck trying to get round the bend”, so I knew to get into the lunge position and do some big movements and it got him through on the next contraction! I used the birthing ball and loads of hip circles at home and whilst they were filling the birth pool. Early labour when I was a home I remembered standing up doing hip circles whilst leaning against the wall with your hands in a diamond – brilliant. Honestly just having all of those little tools to turn to made it the most amazing experience I could possibly have dreamt of.

The midwives kept saying how brilliant I’d done and were so surprised, but when I told them I’d been to you for pregnancy yoga they did the nod of approval – you’re obviously well known by them!

Sorry for the essay I just wanted to let you know everything you did for me and for someone that was terrified of giving birth when I started your class to be able to have such an empowering birth was amazing so thank you thank you thank you!!!